Wellness Resources

The Eastern Highlands Health District is committed to providing you with the most up to date health and wellness information. Please click on the links below to learn about various topics of health.
- 95210 for Health! A community campaign to encourage everyone who interacts with children to support healthy behaviors through policy, practice, and environmental changes.
- CT ACHIEVE Initiative: The Connecticut ACHIEVE Initiative was funded through a cooperative agreement between the Connecticut Cancer Partnership and the Department of Public Health. The initial grant period was from 2011 through 2013 and was established to assist 4 Connecticut communities in their efforts to convene a Community Health Action Response Team (CHART) at the local level to reduce the incidence of and risk factors for cancer and chronic disease through policy, systems, and environmental change. The funding provided seed money and training opportunities for these communities as they establish a framework for change to increase opportunities for physical activity and access to healthy food. To check out current CHART initiatives and projects click here! Tobacco Free Housing Toolkit
Jan 2025 BP class survey
part 1 DASH video
part 2 DASH video
BP Smoking video updated
BP Smoking video