Want To Quit Tobacco?

Smoking Cessation Options from the CT Department of Public Health
to Quit is a cost-free, customizable cessation program that provides online and
telephone support. Because quitting tobacco is not a ‘one size fits all’
experience, the Commit to Quit program provides personalization through
experienced quit coaches who will help program participants figure out the
right quit path for themselves. There are also face-to-face
cessation programs available.
program also includes:
- Two weeks of
nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products at no cost
- One-on-one
assistance from a quit coach when needed
- Access to a
private online community with others trying to quit
- A quit guide
workbook that walks you through the steps to quit
- Lifetime
membership – even if participants have trouble quitting, they will not be
kicked out.
Phone Counseling
CT State Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW
Speak with a tobacco cessation “quit coach” and come up with an individualized quit plan which may include free Nicotine Replacement Medications, workbooks sent in the mail and unlimited phone calls with your coach. This service is free of cost.
American Lung Association LungHelpLine: 1-800-LUNG-USA
Registered nurses, respiratory therapists, certifies tobacco treatment specialists and counselors make up the LungHelpLine staff. They are ready to assist with lung health questions. People who call will get accurate information about lung cancer, asthma, COPD, quitting tobacco and multiple other lung health topics. This service is free of cost.
Text Messaging Programs
DITCH VAPE, from the Truth Initiative: Inspiring Tobacco-Free Lives this text messaging program offers young vapers a free support program to quit vaping. Text "DITCHVAPE" to 887-09. Parents and adults looking to help young people quit can text "QUIT" to (202) 899-7550.
Smokefree Text Messaging Program Text from Smokefree.gov offers free text messaging programs that give 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips for becoming smokefree and being healthier. You can sign up or opt-out at any time.
SmokefreeTXT is for adults who want to quit smoking and offers:
- The program lasts 6-8 weeks, depending on your quit date. You will receive 3-5 messages per day.
- The text messages provide tips, advice, and encouragement to help you overcome challenges and stay motivated.
Use the keywords for extra help at any time. Text CRAVE, MOOD, or SLIP to 47848.
Web-Based Resources
American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking:
FFS Online takes you through modules, each containing several lessons that you access through this protected website. These lessons include valuable information and most of them contain an assignment that you are to complete before moving on. This service costs $15 per 3 months or $40 per year.
Become an Ex: www.becomeanex.org
The EX Plan is a quit smoking program based on personal experiences from ex-smokers as well as the latest scientific research from the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The EX Plan helps you see quitting not as one big war, but as a number of little battles you can actually win.
Connecticut QuitLine Web Coach: www.wellbeingenroll.net
This free program will provide you with exclusive access to Web Coach®, the online learning and support community. The program includes interactive lessons and exercises, tracking tools, online discussion forums with Quit Coaches and other participants. You’ll also get motivational emails throughout the program.
Other Resources
Smoke Free Teen: Smoke Free Teen
Tips and tools for young adults to stop using tobacco. The website includes information on vaping and on-line chat resources
You Can Quit 2:
You Can Quit 2 is a Department of Defense resource for military personnel who want to quit tobacco. The website has local resources and a 24/7 live chat resource.
Quit Pal Smart Phone App:
The QuitPal is a free app that uses proven quit strategies and interactive tools to assist you with becoming tobacco free.
American Cancer Society’s Guide to Quitting Smoking: www.cancer.org
"Don't Quit Alone"
Como Dejar de Fumar"
Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Medications such as Nicotine Patches, Lozenges, Gum, Nasal Spray and Chantix are available to help you quit. Speak with your Quit Coach or Doctor for more information.