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About the EHHD ACHIEVE Initiative
Community Partners & Their Stories
The Eastern Highlands Health District provides local public health servides for ten Connecticut member towns:
Andover, Ashford, Bolton, Chaplin, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, Scotland, Tolland, and Willington
Office: 4 South Eagleville Rd. Mansfield, CT 06268
860-429-3325 www.ehhd.org
Community Stories & Local Actions
9-5-2-1-0 for Health is a community-wide campaign to promote healthy lifestyles for children in the Eastern Highlands Health District in Eastern Connecticut. These pages provide ideas and tools to help kids live the 9-5-2-1-0 for Health message in simple ways, every day! There are many groups and individuals in our member towns working towards improving children's health. Below our featured story, but follow the links for other great examples of what is happening in our community to support 9-5-2-1-0 for Health!
Spotlight on: Great Plate Tuesdays at Mansfield Middle School Tuesdays in October at MMS are Great Plate Tuesdays - the food service manager has created a way to offer a great spread of fresh and tasty fruits and vegetables at lunch, a presentation style that enhances the appeal of the fruits and vegetables, and round plates to make it easy to meet the challenge of filling half the plate with fruits and vegetables. The results? According to the food service manager, "It was a great success! the students asked when we were doing it again, and wanted it everyday. I saw lots of students eating fruits & vegetables. It was interesting, that we served butternut squash last week and many students passed on it. Yesterday many tried it and liked it! I think the presentation made a huge difference, and that there were more choices and I let them take more then usual. I used smaller portions but let them have more choices. The lines were long, so we have to find a way around that..." Click on the link at the beginning of this story to see the pictures - they speak a million words.
Click on the links below to read more great stories of community action!
Coventry designated as a Playful City USA!
Scouting groups pass Healthy Eating Resolution! Boy Scout of America Troops in Tolland, Connecticut passed healthy eating resolutions to take a stand on healthy food options at meetings and events.
Tolland Schools develop lactation protocol to support employees' decision to breastfeed their baby
Mansfield Schools put fruits & vegetables on the snack menu
Local schools partner with local grocers to promote the Produce of the Week with samples and displays
Mansfield Parks & Recreation launches letter boxing plan for area trails

Click here for more information or to JOIN the 9-5-2-1-0 Campaign!