Welcome to the Eastern Highlands Health District!
A Word From the Director
The Eastern Highlands Health District strives to put our motto of "preventing illness and promoting wellness" at the forefront of all services we offer. The environmental health program provides the basic duties for which the Health District is best known, and their services are the backbone of our efforts to "prevent illness" in our communities. Complementing this effort, the public health emergency preparedness program develops and secures the critical resources necessary to prepare for and respond to a public health emergency. Additionally, promoting wellness continues to be a guiding force as we explore areas of need in our communities.
We have many resources available to the public, and are here if you have questions. Whether your question or concern is regarding septic or well issues, food safety, emergency preparedness, or health promotion topics, we have answers!
My door is always open.
Robert Miller, M.P.H., R.S.,
Director of Health
Promoting healthy people, healthy communities...healthier future...
The Eastern Highlands Health District provides professional, people focused and community driven services, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our communities by preventing illness, promoting wellness, and protecting our environment.
Equitable, Integrity, Knowledgeable, Professional, Resourceful, Respect, Responsive
Strategic Plan FY 2025-2029
Click here to view the Eastern Highlands Health District Strategic Plan FY 2025- FY 2029
Service Area
The Eastern Highlands Health District is one of 20 local Health Districts in the State of Connecticut. Established on June 6, 1997, it serves the towns of Andover, Ashford, Bolton, Chaplin, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, Scotland, Tolland, and Willington, covering just over 208 square miles with a total district population of roughly 80,000.
Our Organization
The District is a governmental entity authorized under Connecticut statutes for the purpose of providing local public health services. A Board of Directors, representing each member town, governs the Health District. The board appoints a Director of Health who acts as the chief executive officer of the Health District and as a delegated agent of the State Commissioner of Public Health for the purpose of enforcing the Public Health Code.
What We Do
The specific services provided by the District include septic system inspection and approval; well and water quality monitoring; food protection; lead investigations; radon prevention; public bathing area monitoring; and public health complaint investigations. The District also has a communicable disease control program for disease surveillance and outbreak investigation, and an expanding public health education and training program. Other public health functions conducted by the district include data collection, analysis, and health planning activities.