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EHHD CHART Coalition - Healthy Eating & Active Living
06/16/15 CHART Meeting Agenda
Follow up email message sent to CHART members after 06/16/15 meeting
Attachments shared with follow up email message:
Preliminary key informant interviews results (slides handout)
Invitation to become a PZC key informant
Proposed toolkit contents and outline
Take the call flyer (Community Wellbeing Survey)
Take the call image (Community Wellbeing Survey)
04/28/15 CHART Meeting Agenda
03/24/15 CHART Meeting Agenda
Follow up email message sent to CHART members after 03/24/15 meeting
Draft CAP
Presentation slides
Handout for PR & Communications Committee (PCC) breakout session
Handout for Planning & Zoning Advisory Committee (PZAC) breakout session
Handout for Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) breakout session
Call to Action from Connecticut Main Street Center about proposed budget cuts impacting open spaces, farmland, historic preservation, and affordable housing
Playful City Trifold
Playful City Presentation
Playable Cities Article
02/24/15 CHART Meeting Agenda